
運動前、後拉筋的好處與壞處/Pros and Cons of Stretching Pre- and Post-Exercise

運動前、後拉筋的好處與壞處/Pros and Cons of Stretching Pre- and Post-Exercise

Stretching seems like a great warm-up activity, a pre-game or pre-run stretch. It ’wrings out’ the tissue, refreshing the water, breaks up any adhesions, and prepares the body to move quickly without injury. Doesn’t it?

No, it doesn’t – research has fairly consistently shown no benefit in terms of muscle soreness, injury prevention, and it may reduce strength or sport performance from 5% to 20% (Anderson 2005, Herbert et al. 2011). Yikes! 


Pros and Cons of Stretching Pre- and Post-Exercise
From Tom Myers/ AnatomyTrain

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