Our's frist valentine's day
不過 再怎麼忙碌 每天都想跟你說說話 聽聽你的聲音
只是 僅僅只能在電話的另一頭感受你的溫度
今天早上9:30去店裡開會 結束後臨時想要今天休假
我去剪頭髮 跟他說剪3公分就好
結果他大概剪了 9公分有吧 ><
看著地上的頭髮有點不捨 但是也好啦!
不然你不在沒人幫我吹頭髮 都要吹好久喔
不過等你回來 應該又長了許多
我還去旅行社 拿了兩份BALI的資料
雖然還很久 但是想著可以一起去度假 可是我的原動力呢^^
所以囉! 我把它貼在牆上
不過 再怎麼忙碌 每天都想跟你說說話 聽聽你的聲音
只是 僅僅只能在電話的另一頭感受你的溫度
今天早上9:30去店裡開會 結束後臨時想要今天休假
我去剪頭髮 跟他說剪3公分就好
結果他大概剪了 9公分有吧 ><
看著地上的頭髮有點不捨 但是也好啦!
不然你不在沒人幫我吹頭髮 都要吹好久喔
不過等你回來 應該又長了許多
我還去旅行社 拿了兩份BALI的資料
雖然還很久 但是想著可以一起去度假 可是我的原動力呢^^
所以囉! 我把它貼在牆上
What I learn in this week (0207~0213)
There are two women in the coffee shop, and they talking about the picture. They look very happy she like a blond hair and the other girl maybe come from china and the other come form American and they just sit in the table in the coffee shop and the American girl with a blond hair, and I think they are drinking tea not coffee.
Big family
Red envelopes
Inheritance legacy
Small family
Better quality
Less trash
Peter pans can be narcissistic. ? they are said to be irresponsible, rebellious, and manipulative. They believe they do not have to answer to society’s laws or norms. A recent trend on internet blogs is for men to make peter pan syndrome out to be something positive, as through someone with this condition had a youthful state of mind.
Women have not been left out of the picture when it comes to these syndromes. When writing stop mothering their men. ? in it he suggests that these women give up trying to be “Wendy” and instead focus on becoming as carefree as the fairy “Tinkerbelle.”
Common ground 共同點
Rapport 和諧關係,friend relationship
Colleague=coworker people that you work closely with
Brag 誇大,自誇
Bump into 不期而遇
Tutu 芭蕾舞短裙
Overrate 高估
Beat N. tired
Gossip 八卦
Cling film 保鮮膜
Cook on high heat 用大火煮
Arrange the apples in large dish with sides. They shouldn’t touch each other or the side of the dish. Fill each apple with a mixture of the raisins, nuts, and orange peel. Combine the juices and syrup, and pour it around the apples.
Cover the dish with plastic wrap. Make sure the wrap sticks tight but doesn’t touch the top of the apples. Place the dish in the microwave, and cook on high for 9 minutes. Remove the dish in the microwave, and make a 1/4 inch hole the the plastic. Set the dish aside for 5 minutes. Uncover and serve with maple syrup.
2 teaspoons chopped garlic
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 cup croutons
1. To make the salad dressing, mix the garlic and salt together in the bowl. Mix in the lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce. Stir in the egg until the mixture is thick. While stirring, slowly pour in the olive oil. Finally, add 2 tablespoons of the Parmean cheese.
2. Separate the lettuce leaves. Wash the lettuce and tear it up. Place half of the salad dressing and the croutons in the bottom of a large bowl. Mix. Add the lettuce and remaining mixture. Serve sprinkled
Level 6
1.亞馬遜河是世界上最長的河。Amazon River is the longest river in the world.
The Amazon River is the longest river in the world.
2.我知道他為何如此悲傷。I know why he is so sad.
I know why he is so sad.
3.狗會叫。Dog can shot.
Dogs can bark.
4.我今天早上沒有吃早飯。I did’t eat the breakfast in this morning.
I did not eat breakfast this morning.
5.我喜歡那些有圖畫的書。I like these books with picture.
I like those books which have pictures in them.
6.他來自一個破碎的家庭。He come from a broken family.
He came from a broken family.
7.我忘記了你是個小孩。I forget you are a child.
I forgot that you are a kid.
8.你喜愛數學嗎?Do you like math?
Do you like mathematics?
9.我已經無錢可花。I have no money.
I have now money left to spend.
10.游泳使我強壯。Swimming can make me strong.
Swimming makes me strong.
11.你對游泳有興趣嗎?Do you have interest in swimming?
Are you interested in swimming?
12.這支筆比你的貴得多。This pan is expensive than yours.
Htis pen is more expensive than yours.
13.你能相信我會講英文嗎?ca you believe me I can speak English?
Can you believe that I can speak English>
14.這位老師不知道我的爸爸也是老師。This teacher doesn’t know my father is a teacher too.
This teacher did not know taht my father is also a teacher.
15.你知道瑪麗什麼時候來嗎?Do you know when will Mary come?
Do you know when Mary will come?
16.我不相信他是我的哥哥。I can’t believe he is my brother.
I do not believe that he is my brother.
17.我希望他能來。I hope he can come here.
I hope that he can come.
18.我已習慣了早起。I am used to getting up early.
I am accustomed to getting up early.
19.我不知道你是誰。I don’t know who you are.
I do not know who you are.
20.打籃球是有趣的。It’s interesting to play basketball.
Playing baskerball is insterersing.
Stack 推放
Applaud 鼓掌
Sweep 清掃
Log 木材
Knob 球狀凸起物
Rack (掛衣帽等的)架子
Stool (沒有靠背的)凳子
Utensil (料理時使用的)器具
Trail (山中的)小路
A man is walking along the trail.
Podium 講台
A man is standing on the podium.
Crate (裝瓶子等的木製或塑膠製的)箱子
Wheelbarrow 手推車
A man is pushing a wheelbarrow full of bricks.
Railing 欄杆、扶手
She is leaning against the railing.
Steering wheel 方向盤
A man is sitting at the steering wheel.
1. They are inspecting the bill.
2. They’re examining the map.
3. They’re putting on their cycling gear.
4. They’re designing a road map.
Inspect 檢查
Examine 仔細檢查
Gear 特定用途的衣物
The rally fighter
A whole new way of building cars
Though it might look like a ordinary sports car, the rally fighter is anything but average. The US$ 50,000 off-road, street-legal racer was designed by an online community, making it the world’s first open-source car design to reach production. That makes the car rally fighter more than just an ingenious idea; it’s a whole new way of making cars. And for local motors, the company that builds it, the racer is just the beginning.
The rally fighter versus the auto industry
Today , most people drive cars produced by large automakers. These companies spend huge amounts of time and money developing vehicles that are suitable for mass production. Theoretically, this process results in safe, well-engineered cars that normal people can afford. Unfortunately, developmental costs also mean automakers can’t effectively take customer feedback into account in their designs.
Local motors is challenging the automakers’ model with a unique developmental process that combines professional engineering with the input of an online community. When moving cars from the drawing board to production, local moters takes less time and incurs lower costs than larger companies.
The process
The local motor’ process begins with members of their open, online community submitting vehicle designs for review by other members. Then the community votes to select the best design. Winning concepts are further developed through co-creation, a process that combines the processional local moters’ team with the online community. During co-creation, everything from the vehicle’s body to its engine and components are chosen. This means the company can focus on producing cars that have already been proven popular by winning a contest.
Development of the rally fighter was made more efficient by the use of off-the-shelf parts from companies like BMW, Mazda and Ford. This allows owners to customize their cars, and it makes replacement parts easy to acquire.
After a design if finalized, a micro-factory is established to produce the cars one at a time. These factories create local jobs, generate less waste and allow for further customization. Car buyers spend two three-day weekends at the factory helping to build their own cars as part of a “build experience.”
The small size of local motors doesn’t pose a direct challenge to large automaker, but it does give drivers an option.
Ingenious 原創性;急具思考的;
Matt is always coming up with ingenious idea for new products.
Theoretically 理論上
Building an airplane in the garage seemed like a good idea, at least theoretically.
Feedback 回饋的意見,回饋
We’ve received a lot of positive feedback about the concert last Saturday.
Incur 帶來(成本、花費);引起
We are going to incur a lot of costs when we redecorate the kitchen.
Component 零件;構成要素
One of these car components isn’t working, but I’m not sure which one.
Off-the-shelf 現成的;非訂製的
Susan usually gives homemade gifts because she doesn’t like off-the-shelf products.
Micro 微小
The charity funds micro-laboratories for hospitals in poor, rural area.
Option 選擇
I’d like to have the option of going to a university in Australia.
Open-source 開放原始碼
I just memories that time I practiced English with my friend everyday for one hour in the midnight.
Unleash 宣洩
Aesthetic 美學的
Merchandise 商品
Chart 包租
Practical 實用的
Trendsetter 領導流行者
Spice 趣味
Aspire to 嚮往
Dig 喜歡
Sally Hawkins
Toronto’s belle of the ball
This star loves the theater and film
Sally Hawkins loves movies – even the not so great ones. “I love film,” she says. “I love all genres of film. It’s still exciting for me. I even love the ones that aren’t so good. There’s always a piece of magic there, always a moment which engages you or moves you in different ways.”
So it’s appropriate that she’s the big Toronto player – with three movies at the Toronto international Film Festival. Hawkins, 34, stars in the much-buzzed-about Never Let Me Go, as well as Made in Dagenham and Submarine.
Don’t ask her to choose her favorite when it comes to theater versus film. “I love both,” she said. “I’m interested in creating stories. Theater is how I got into acting, and theater is how I learned.”
Even as a child growing up in southeast London, she was always playing characters. “In primary school I was engaged with creating characters with friends,” she said. “It was like an extension of play.”
Plodding 蹣跚而行;埋頭苦幹
thank you so much for everything you've done for me.
You have no idea how much I appreciate your help/offer/etc.
(you can not believe how much)
I owe you a great deal/ I owe a lot to you.
Thanks! I owe you one.(a favor)
I am forever in you debt.
I am greatful for everything you've done(for me).
i am happy to acknowledge my debt to my ?(teacher/professors/managers)
How can I ever repay you for your kindness?
flatter 諂媚; 奉承,使高興, 使感到滿意;
exaggerated 誇大
subordinate 下級的;次要的 people on a lower level
capable 有能力的
subtle praise
under the radar
sympathetic 同情心的
have pity
I really appreciate it.
NO problem./No sweat!/it doesn't matter/never mind/
heartfelt /from the heart
this really makes my day.
Thanks for million.
modest (shy) 謙虛的, 審慎的
the name does ring a bell.
(remind sb of sth)
totem 圖騰
underprivileged 貧困的人
I cannot thank you enough(for...)
Many thanks(for...)
I want to express my gratitude to (someone's name)
what is it. (Wuddizzit)
give out a short out to= give thank/regnition
appreciation 感謝
2011 LEO
Your natural generosity could get you into trouble. Try reining in your spending and putting something from a rainy day.
Fauxmance 假戀情
The celebrities were often seen together but it was a fauxmance.
Tweetheart 推特情人
With thousands of followers on twitter, Lucille is a real tweetheart.
Chinadonesia 中印三國
The economic growth of china, India and Indonesia has financial analysts speaking of Chinadonesia.
Financial doping 財政用藥
The soccer team nearly went bankrupt through financial doping.
Permabull 長期看好的投資者
Permabear 長期看壞的投資者
Johnny was always negative about the economy and was labeled permabear by his friend.
Greige 米灰色
Lillian prefers greige clothes.
Portugal 葡萄牙
Italy 義大利
Ireland 愛爾蘭
Greece 希臘
Spain 西班牙
Higher debt in Europe union
PIIGS 歐豬五國
Member of the press in Portugal and Spain have called the term PIIGS offensive.
Press (N.)記者
Grow the beard 有進步
The show has really started to grow the bread.
Spillcam 墨西哥灣漏油事件的『漏油實況視訊』
Vuvuxzela 南非傳統喇啦『巫巫茲拉』
The narrative 政黨黨綱
Guido and guidette 年輕性感的美籍義大利裔男女
Quaff 狂飲
Toot 吹奏
The child love his toy horn and drove his parents crazy tooting on it for hours.
Champagne 香檳
Flute 橫笛
Impressive 令人印象深刻的
Dhow 三角帆船
Spectator 觀眾
Frolic 歡樂
The little girl watched the lamb’s frolic in the field.
Shinto 日本神道的
Shrine 神社
airborne 空中傳播
remedy 治療法
dosage 劑量
anecdotal 軼事的
mineral 礦物質
meditation 冥想
viruse 病毒
Netti pot
supplement 補充
prestigious 有名望的
respective 各自的
brilliance 光輝;光彩
excel 勝過他人 (do very well at something)
defuse 拆去雷管 (solver the problem;put out the fire)
radical 基本的
dexterity 熟練;敏捷
enterpreneurs (有一定冒險性的)事業
attribute 把...歸因於
quintessential 精髓的; 典型的
cubicle 小房間
paced 步調
book worm 書呆子
rephrased (stated in another way with different word)
sounding board (someone who will sit and listen to you)
I need a sounding board. Could you listen to me?
I'm all ears (I'm listening)
all the time in the world (there's still a lot of time, there's no rush)
to hold back your feeling (don't allow yourself to say everything you feel)
delicate 易碎的 (gentle, careful)
PC terms (politically correct terms) (words that won't offend anyone nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. disabilities)
concision 簡明(性); 簡潔
In brief (more simply put...) (Allow me to summarize) (In a nutshell...)
comprehension 理解; 理解力
clarification (液體的)澄清, 淨化; 澄清法
perspective (point of view, from another angle)
refinement 優雅, 高雅; 有教養
Well, actually, to be more exact.
repetitious 反覆的; 嘮叨的 (something that is pepeated or stated many times)
In other words
Again, this means that
To say that another way
That is , to say
I cannot emphasize enough that
No, no, no. That's not what's I'm saying here. What I really mean is ...
Sorry, but I think you're missing my point. What I'm trying to get at is...
misinterpreted (when something is taken or understood in the wrong way)
I think you may have misinterpreted my explanation, so let me rephrase it this way....
Pardon me, I mean....
This line would sound more professional if it read this instead....
Sorry, that sounded really unprofessional. Please allow me to rephrase that....
I think that came out aa little too informal. I'm going to rewrite this to say...
This line would seem more professional if it read something like this ....
casual 偶然的, 碰巧的
creep (sneak forward)
uptught (rigidly conventional)
snobby (arrogant and self-important)
acronyms (the first letter of each word in a phase or title, used for brevity)
introductory 介紹的
rotation 輪流;輪換 (換輪胎)
predictable (easy to guess in what will happen before it does)
babysitting 當臨時保姆
diaper 尿布;兜布
comprehensive 廣泛的; 無所不包的; 綜合的
succinct 簡練的; 簡潔的
niche (very small market)
interference 簡練的; 簡潔的
have you been engaged in the past?
preference 更加的喜愛, 偏愛
financial institution 金融機構
If they have good service I would be more loyal to that company.
Do you think companies care about you or are you just a $ dollar sign?
customer loyalty programs
favour=favor 支持, 擁護; 贊同
tactical 戰術的;策略的
If a company offers good service they will have a relationship with that customer for a while.
weary 疲倦的, 疲勞的[(+with)]
plot 陰謀; 祕密計劃[(+against)][+to-v]
mainstay 【船】支持主桅的繩索
thrive 興旺, 繁榮; 成功[(+on)]
inherit 繼承(傳統, 遺產等)
haggling 爭論; 論價, 討價還價
negotiating the proce (fixed the price)
delusion (santasy; not reality illusion; wishful thinking) 迷惑, 欺騙[U]
comparison 比較, 對照; 類似[C][U][(+between/with)]
Find the person in charge.
It's nice, but I can take it or leave it.
(Even within your own office you can say this about plans or ther deals.)
I've seen this elsewhere for less.
(It shows you have been doing your homework. They realize you are serious about this situsation.)
What can you do for me in this situation?
(It leaves it opened ended; they may come up with an idea you never thouugh was possible.)
I believe we are too far away from where i would like to be. What should we do?
(This shows them you are thinking of walking away, so this may be their last chance to negotiate with you.)
It seems like something is wrong with this item.
(Whey may give a small discount, so as to come to an agreement.)
I'm not sure if we can come to a deal or not, but this is my last offer.
(The key is to then walk away. See what happens. You can always go back if you really what the item even if they don't change the price.)
Are you just busting my chops?
You're killing me with this offer.
Do you want my children to starve?
It'll never fly.
Would you like my arm and leg, too?
You're really squeezing me.
Give me a number.
What's fair?
What's the right price?
stockroom 倉庫; 貯藏室
markdown 減價
savvy 理解能力; 悟性
frugal 節約的, 儉樸的[(+of)]
conscientious 憑良心的; 誠實的
concession (give something up to gain something else) 減價;優惠
swamped 陷入沼澤(或水中)
proposing 提議, 建議, 提出[+v-ing][+(that)]
approval 批准; 認可
lingo 奇怪難懂的語言
Learn the local bargaining lingo for the area you are in.
Never look too excited about a product you want.
Watch the other person's body language to see if you have gone too far.
Remember to walk away if you don't like the price.
It has to be a win-win situation for all in order for it to work.
You can always say "NO"
YOu can bargain for other things besides price. Maybe you can get a deal if you buy more or a free gift with your purchase.
family way (going to have a baby)
bad blood (bad relationship)
runs in the family (a family trait/character)
blood is thicker than water(血濃於水)
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