

天啊~美國聯邦政府無關安全性的部門幾乎全部關閉了,受聯邦政府管理的圖書館、博物館、公園、公家機關甚至連自由女神都關閉了,許多聯邦政府網頁也都無預警關閉,造成數萬人專程去看優美勝地和自由女神的訪客都失望了,接連下來美國旅遊業、餐飲業都會受到影響,當然最重要的是世界經濟!So sad.想不到美國也會這樣為了反對而反對,否決聯邦政府預算案,進而影響世界經濟,一直認為只有台灣的政府最愛玩為反對而反對的否決預算決定,雙方一直堅持自己的決定卻影響這麼多人,難得的景氣復甦又搞這招。




在墨爾本嘗試過薯餅之後,心中一直念念不忘薯餅滋味,剛好在Mount Isa看到馬鈴薯特價兩公斤只要1.5元,二話不說,立馬下手,再買個油,此時考慮的是沒有炒鍋或平底鍋,只有兩個湯鍋,但是又不想增加行李重量,就想要用湯鍋試試看。

瘋狂赤腳旅行橫跨澳洲中部沙漠 Crazy desert travel by bare feet


很開心再度與另外一對台灣情侶Rays and Air巧遇。



Meet a couple from Germany and Japan, Kay and Alice, they walk from Cairns to Alice Springs by bare feet.They walk about 2000KM in 2 months. And they bring 40 liter water to drink, but not much food. That's so crazy.

It's so coincidence to meet Rays and Air from Taiwan again. And thanks Air share some interesting information to us.

We meet Wei-long and Chia-chen from Malaysia in UFO area and they do the helpX. They are so kindness to tell me where can have a shower during the following route. And the owner is so funny, and he always tell me go to swim in the pool can have lucky. Haha.

And we almost get our destination, and it only left 2900KM. Haha.


Poor Thorny Devil in Uluru

When we go to Uluru and we saw the culture center introduced the Thorny Devil, we thought it's so cute and special. We also saw the specimen there, and introduced Thorny Devil is a kind of rare lizard in the central of desert, but it's killed by car for most of time. After that, I just think maybe we can find one during the trip. We drive a circle to see the Uluru, during driving we a tiny stuff on the road, I thought it was a Thorny Devil. When I walk close to it, and I find it's dead. So sad, and hope everyone drive slowly and watch on the road, because they are so tiny and treasure.

Moon festival we are in the earth entrance, underground city, Cooper Pedy.

It's a good day, because it's my first time to see the moon set in the morning, and today is moon festival which is very important festival for Chinese. We met two cyclists from Melbourne who want to ride the bike across from Melbourne to Perth, Darwin, Indonesia, then to London. That's really cool. So shame for me, I don't give them the immediate help for their problems, I hate my hesitate problem. Then we go to the next rest point, Pimba, which is really nice place to take a rest, providing drinking water, toilet, and pay shower in the patrol station.
Then we go to the Lake Hert, which is a salt lake, it's so special and beautiful. There's so cool with some red stuff in the lake, look like blood. We saw a long train over 150 parts, which from China Iron to the Central Australia.
Then we go to the earth entrance, underground city, Cooper Pedy. There are plenty of Opal Mine, so they dig lots of holes to find the Opal for living. Because there are too many holes in the place, many people fall down in the deep hole and most about 20-30 meters. It's very dangerous, and most of people died if they fall down to the hole. So there are lots of warning signal to make tourism take care of ground.
Because the city's climate is really hot, and they and plenty of holes, they build a underground city and make the city become very special in Australia. And it's also a friendly town for backpackers for the free shower in the Shell patrol station.
I want to have a big dinner with BBQ tonight to celebrate the moon festival, but there are no shop and signal in our camp place. Maybe keep it to the next time.

Uluru, we're coming.



Port Elliot is a good place to watch whale but beyond this point don't allow 3P

Ignatius insaid Port Elliot is a good place to watch whale, dolphins, and Penguins. 

A whinteresting threshing. ter ffountain in Victor Harbor. 

A very nice tetelescope can see the whale very clearly. 

The man was awesome that he boubought 100 cans of cat food. 

The IGA in Hahndorf provide hot food and drinks. 

The signal is so interesting

Adult only beach, Maslin Beach

Philip and Hugh suggest us to go to the most famous nack beach in the world, Maslin Beach. Because the weather is still cold, there's no one want to swim now. Even I want to try nack swim as well, but it's really cold. 

I look lots of car just come and look and go

interesting signal

That is good stuff can make horse don't dump the road

A beautiful bridge connect with Granite Island

There are cool stone in the Island

So sad for most of toilet will be shot in the night

The toilet in the Victor Harbor


Join Chinese, Indian, and Malay wedding in South Australia.

South Australia was so special for me. I feel my blood was getting warmer. Sleep at 10-12PM, get up at 4AM everyday, but I still feel so good. Compare with other place sleep at 7 PM to 9PM, and get up at 0530, it feels totally different. I don't know why people like to said South Australia and Canberra are boring, but I don't think so. 

Lovely couple, Philip and Hugh 

Awesome Indian dancing 

Although I don't know what that dance, I can feel it. 

Make me really want to visit India.

We join a Malay cook live show

Then enjoy the Semaphore beach with long jetty, and I think it's the best jetty in Australia that we had been to


The Uluru in the sea in the Stanley, The Nut, it's also our favorite in Tasmania.

Yeah, enjoy the healthy breakfast Muesli, and we're ready to go to see the Uluru in the sea, The Nut in Stanley, locating in the northern west of Tasmania. The distance is 3.75Km and we took 90 minutes walk to finish. It's so beautiful, it's a must go place in Tasmania.


Big Penguin in Penguin and the beautiful Boat Barbour.

Yeah, we land Tasmania, then the first thing we need to do is shaking the phone with Hungry Jack's Apps. We got two free fried potato cakes to be our breakfast. After that we find a park to cook our lunch, but the gull seems hungry as well. It just stand at our front to see us to eat about a hour. After lunch, we go to a small town, Penguin, haha , it's so cute. There are so many different kinds unreal Penguin and owning over 2000 collection. By the way, there's a huge Penguin as their symbol. So sad that we can't see the real Penguin until September, but we still enjoy the cute place. An another interesting thing is there are two IGA just in next door. Why they need two place to sell the same stuff?


Moka cup is cute and it can make tasty coffee as well.

I saw many times of Moka cup and I always don't know what it can do and how to use it until I stay in Duncan's house I try to use it and I love it. It can make whole room full of the coffee smell and make the coffee taste good as well. When I realized how to use it,  and I think it's so funny. And I wondering want to get another one during travelling. Haha.

Go go Tasmania

Yeah, ready to go Tasmania by sprite of Tasmania, which is a huge ship. It's our first time to took a big ship, especially with our car. Because there are restrictions to bring dangerous stuff or flesh food to Tasmania, every one need to be checked and wait for a long time.


Another Lentil near Northcote

Wow,  Casa treat us to eat the Lentil near Northcote, it's a special restaurant, and we only need to pay what we think it worth. Last time we eat the Lentil near St. Kilda, we ate two dishes and two drinks and we only pay less than a drink price. Although we think it should worth more in Australia, we don't have much money to paid. This time we eat Lentil again, and it's all you can eat buffet.
It's beautiful place with lots of design, but we think we love Lentil St. Kilda more.


What I feel in Singapore

Why people would be exposed to the risk of injury, because they enter rich area? 

Enjoy the Toastmasters in Singapore. I really learn a lot from it. There are two great speaker for the workshop tonight. The first speak focus on the winner profile. Compare with the second speech, I think most of audience are really interesting in how to be a winner.


[273-273] Our first year in Australia everything is special for us.

It was a very special year. When we arrive in Australia, the custom didn't allow my wife to pass, because she changed the passport after lodged the working holiday. We were very worried in that time. We might come back to Taiwan directly, because we don't have correct visa. Luckily, the custom call few call that make make sure my wife's visa was OK. When we go out to see the airport, and we found it's in Melbourne not Perth.

Although we took the plane from Taiwan to Perth, we land in Melbourne because of the heavy fog.


[273-261] It should be easier to make a good memory

When I saw the Zoltan's blog and he just tell us the story about the traveling. I like the feeling. Even time fly, the record always can make us remind us the sweet memory. Maybe it's a little bit hard for me to be a habits. I will try it.


[273-247] Good tools to analysis and count your website. 分析測試網頁及流量統計的好工具

個人網站 Tim Pringle
音樂行銷網站 Crazy Horse Entertainment

Our Couchsurfing host Tim, a singer, run some websites,
Personal Website - Tim Pringle
Music Marketing - Crazy Horse Entertainment
And my blog also need some improvement as well,
so I tried over 30 analysis websites to test my websites,
to know my analysis scores, SEO Rank, and some errors need to improve.
Then I want to share some websites were really worth to try.




[273-244] CouchSurfing with David in Cook Park, Kargrah, Sydney. 在雪梨的沙發衝浪

When I try to find a CouchSurfing host in Sydney is very hard, especially in the busy time, VividSydney. However, we had stayed outside for few days, and we feel really cold. We prefer to find a place to stay. Then David accepted our request. We just visit David's place and saw the caravan park on the Cook Park. In a very beautiful place that can see the sun rise and sunset, only open the door. So we decide to stay with David and Monty, David's dog, in a bed. Yes, a bed. It's my wife first time to sleep with two men and a dog. Because we're in traveling, that's fine. Just have a shot.


[273-230] Check the Australia VISA Progress online 檢查自己簽證進度狀況

各種澳洲簽證申請進度線上查看 Checking Australia VISA Progress online


另外澳洲政府也提供了VEVO(Visa Entitlement Verification Online)的服務,


[273-222] Kogan Mobile初體驗

手機如果支援UMTS 850的朋友推薦申請,
還是乖乖的用Woolworths Optus就好了。


[273-218] Samsung S3 & S4 在澳洲近期物價波動狀況

Samsung S4準備要發佈時,S3的價格在3C零售店JB-HIFI從原本的749直接砍到599,S3網路的價格從570掉到370,S4剛上市的網路價格從一開始的849, 到799, 749, 699,今天再看價格雖然還是699,但是有加送32G記憶卡,保護貼,皮套,跟免運費,S4也太慘了吧。 因為S3大幅掉價,變成一台性價比很高的1.4G四核心手機,需求量大增,價格從370, 390, 一直反彈到429, 很少看到價格會上漲的手機。 

另外限量出售的小米手機2S,擁有高通1.7G四核心,跟iPhone 5一模一樣的視網膜技術解析度,並有自己的作業系統MIUI,還有保時捷音響等級的Hi-Fi喇叭,價格卻不到320, 雖然小米2S只有四核心,但是效能卻超過Samsung S4的雙四核心手機,而且耗能更低,沒有過熱問題;但也因為性價比實在是太高了,造成970萬人搶購,卻只有30萬人買到手機,如果小米手機開始在實體通路販售,對於其他手機的價格一定有很大的打擊。


[273-196] 莫名眼睛有異物感和扳機指

今天原本也是很有精神的 但是洗完澡之後眼睛就突然開始痛了起來, 一直有異物在眼睛裡的感覺, 但是怎麼檢查都沒有東西, 想要用眼淚清除異物, 卻怎麼擠都沒什麼用, 只能一直閉著眼睛,舒緩一下,可是卻也因為如此,讓原本很有精神的我,也變得毫無生產力,而不得已休息。



[273-195] 整整懶惰一個月了 I'm so lazy for a month.



[273-165] Good thing and bad thing. 兩件事,一好一壞。


Two things to talk today.  Good thing and bad thing, the good one was that I picked 3 tons of grape in 7 hours and break my personal record. The bad thing was that some of my box which put too much grape in it, so make some damage on the grape then I'm fired. So sad.


[273-164] 不知不覺也在黑黑農場一個月了 I have stayed in unhappy farm for a month.



[273-158] 澳洲黑工車資真的很好賺



[273-155] Become so lazy and hopeless.

I'm so lazy for updating the blog and surf the Internet, because the Internet speed is really really slow. Sometimes it needs to take me 5 minutes when I wanted to update a page. So the Internet always makes me sleepy all the time, and it also tests me my patient. It's hard to earn some money recently, and my arm start had some problem, but I can't massage to myself. What a pity.

The other thing is I didn't get the salary yet for three weeks, and some of my coworkers only get the salary of the week less than 50. Oh my God! The money only can afford the food but the rent. So more and more people start very unhappy now.

Even we need to work over ten hours per every day, and we don't have day off. We still can earn a little money, and I don't have time to check my car and visit the other place. So sad.


[273-140] Purple sky in Robinvale

Today is my first run in Robinvale, and the view of the sky is so beautiful. It's purple and it's also my first time to see the sky color like that.


[273-139] Start to earn some money.

It was a simple job and earn money as well today. Because the grape grows so well, each one was huge and easy to cut. Although we need to collect 10 KG of grape that can earn 1 AUD, we just only need to take few minutes to collect it and sometimes might be less than one minutes. It's also a fun job, because we can play and talk during working, and it makes time go fast. HA! Ha!



[273-129] 兩千多公里的旅行之路,但還有三千公里要走

我們原本打算開始在Albany Backpackers住兩個星期,


       今天是我們在澳洲的第一個西洋情人節,雖然沒有花沒有巧克力沒有卡片沒有燭光晚餐,只有吐司吐司泡麵泡麵;雖然沒有百貨公司可逛,只有Woolworth and Coles;但我們去了好漂亮的Green's Pool和很特別的Tree Top Walk,而且昨天還奢侈的一次吃掉一桶月亮冰淇淋!不管在哪裡,只要有你在身邊和我們共同的目標,那就是就美好的事情了!也許有時我任性,也許有時我愛鬧脾氣,但你知道我都不是故意的,你永遠都是我的最愛.You know I love you ^^謝謝你陪著我

       喜歡和你去游泳玩水,就像今天在Green's Pool一樣,你總是會保護著我,在海裡抱著你的感覺,在海裡和你牽手的感覺,總是那麼特別...


             我愛你  北鼻           14/02/2013


[273-124] Some people help us to find a job.

Wow, when we meet Peter, and he was so nice. He told us he could help us to find a better job from his brothers. And he tried to call them, but it should wait for the answer until Monday. And Peter said if there is no job, we can work for him from next week as well. Although it's not the season, and he doesn't need too many workers, he can sign us until the season finish even we just work for him two days per week in the first few weeks. Yeah, we are so lucky, and we can wait for the better chance if the factory has vacancy.

And we also thanks lots of people telling us where could find a job.


[273-123] Someone call me and want to give me a job.

We tried to find all the farm and packing factory in Pemberton, asking them or leaving our message on the door. After two days working, but we don't get any jobs. When we come back home about two hours, someone called me and tell me he saw the message leave at the door and want to give me a job with 19 dollars per hour, and we can start next week. Wow, it must be the present from God. He wanted to see us tomorrow, but I don't know where he is. Because we go to lots of regional places, it's truly hard to remember which route that we have been to, and he told us extremely rough. So I tried to google his fix number and find the company name and locate it. We won't want to late for the meeting tomorrow. We're very exciting for it. Hope we can see Peter soon.


[273-122] Friend is very important in the outside world.

When we try to find some farm work in Manjimup for two days, no one need us then we try to move more southern to Pamberton. We tried to contact our friend there, and he can provide us to stay for few days and give us private room as well. That was so nice, and we can enjoy the chalet lifestyle for few days.



[273-120] A nice couple in Dardanup.

Children's Bed is car style, we love it.

Thanks Ben and Jo let us had a great night.

Lovely couple and the cutey children.

A huge farm and hired over 40 people, and there are 17 people from Taiwan. They just stared the work today, and the salary is 20/H. But there're no vacancy, it's so sad.


[273-118] Start our job journey

We started our journey to find a job today. This morning I let my car to do the double check, if it's OK to let me drive to the east coast. The Front break and CV boot need to change, but when I got the car, it stalled all the time when I use the gas system. Then they tell me I need to do a gas service. Oh my god, I plan to leave this noon, when I got the car around 3 o'clock, and I need to find a gas service? When I get there was 0430, they told me I needed to book, and they are time off at 4 o'clock Then I tell them I need to go today, so they try to help me to do a service. They were so nice, and I know the boss had lots of experience to travel from west to east. And give us some advice, telling me how to handle Kangaroo, and let our car work pretty well, and I know that I need to do a service every 2000 KM. Thanks for them can let us have a good trip.