
[273-95] Start my journey to look for a job by car 開始開車到處找工作的旅程

When I buy the car then we want to find a job as soon as possible, because we spend lots of money in it. We prefer to find a job around us, but we don't know where are the farms. So I search for the Google map and try to find some place look like farm, then set the destination to go. Hope it works.

所以雖然每天都還是要上班,就利用上班前的時間去農場問看看是否缺人?我們目前還是希望可以找附近的工作,但是其實完全沒有頭緒,不知道哪裡才有農場,後來我就用Google Map衛星地圖去搜尋類似像農場的地方,就開導航過去看看,希望這個辦法可行。

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