
[273-73] I'll be fined because I'm illegal. 在購物中心違法,要被罰錢了?

When I enjoyed delivering the leaflet in the Kwinana Hub Market Place, the security guard told me I couldn't do it then take me to the management office. Someone started to talk to me and said I'll be fined, because I deliver these leaflets. I was so scared, why I don't know it's illegal, and I'll be fined. NO....
Then I try to talk to them more and try to reduce the fined by massage for them. Then they ask me where I'm from. Then I said I'm from this Silk massage in the Market Place, and they said it's OK. I can keep going to deliver the leaflet. However, I still feel a little scare by this event.

當我在Kwinana購物中心發傳單的時候,突然警衛把我叫住,把我帶去商場的管理中心,到了那邊的時候,有人就用很不好的口氣跟我說在購物中心發傳單是要被罰錢的,一聽到這個我就開始害怕了,不會吧~為什麼我不知道這個是不合法的,而且還會被罰錢,心想這邊罰錢都是要罰很重的,該不會一個星期的薪水都不夠賠吧~當我試著看看能不能說幫他們按摩來免除罰金的時候,他們突然問我是從哪裡來的,我說是Silk massage,有一個人突然就說可以了,我就放心了,但是抓我進來的人又補了一句,不行,他要被罰錢,因為這裡不能發傳單,我的心又開始慌了,最後我還是平安的離開了,但是一整天的心情都因為這件事,一直忐忑不安。

Luckily, when I walk on the street, one man comes to shake my hand and hug me, and said thanks to me to fix his problems. Thanks to him make me happy today.


1 comment:

roughterrain crane said...

I wish you a happy new year.